Thursday, March 21, 2013

cuppa java please!!!

Wake yourself up with a cuppa delicious brew - then get down to business.

As I am sure many of you do, I use my BlackBerry as my alarm clock... which is awesome, but also very dangerous.  I tend to hit the "disarm" button, (ok... maybe the snooze button a few times first!) and then look at the little red star, symbolizing my neverending stream of emails. 

I have made a rule for myself - not to lay in bed and browse through them, as I can not commit to remembering everything I have looked at and hence had a tendency to forget what was already read, and what I needed to atend to. 
For the job seeker - especially the not-working job seeker - the temptation of laying in bed, surfing the web and "phonemailng", can be extremely tough to say no to... but try the alternative:
  •   Get up and put some real pants on!    LuluLemon just announced that their famous Luon Pants are being recalled, as they are nearly sheer!  (this is no attire to be conducting a job search in!)
  •   Get to your stations!   Set up an area in your house that is seperate from the TV, bed, and any other loungy area in your home.  It doesn't have to be a hard wooden chair, but somewhere you feel like you can focus.
  •   Plan / Organize the day!    This is a key step - you can quickly get distracted in this land of social media!  With the number of different ways to communicate with people, and the variety of distractions, block off time for the important things;
    • check emails and flag which ones you need to respond to
    • checking job boards
    • setting up email alerts
    • connecting with key folks on LinkedIn
    • thank you emails - to those folks helping you in your searc
    • phone calls - plan who you want to try to reach out to that day, and set time aside for it to prepare for the calls
  •   HYDRATE!   This can be coffee, tea, or whatever you fancy; never underestimate the power of a great coffee shop to kick-start your energy levels, and motivate you to try harder to find that dream job!

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