Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Guest Blog: Value Added Skills

I got a POKE the other day from a contact of mine on LinkedIn - chastising me for not having updated my blog since last summer.  :)
Nice to know people are actually wanting more, or care to hear what I have to say!

I threw it back at him to write me a guest blog - or at least give me some ideas - and he took the challenge! 

Les Iharosy, is a very well rounded professional in the Transportation industry... who loves to solve challenging and complex Transportation and Logistics issues.  Check out his LinkedIn profile for a full understanding of his background. 

He penned the following from the candidate perspective; feel free to post any comments or rate the value of these types of blog entries for us below.  - Thanks!

Value Added Skills

There may come a time when it becomes necessary to make changes in your professional career path and you are faced with searching for new or alternate employment. 

As you search through the various job banks looking for your next position, take a little time and reflect upon what you may have already accomplished in your work life.  Particularly, if you have been fortunate and accumulated extended periods of tenure, you no doubt have also gained significant experiences and perhaps unique skills along the way.  Now would be a good time to look back in retrospect and identify those experiences and skills.   This can be an excellent opportunity to enhance your marketability to prospective employers.  You may have taken numerous courses over the years, been part of significant projects, or been tasked with implementing cost reduction initiatives.  You may have more skills than you first thought.

Your unique skills and tapestry of experiences may set you apart from the many other candidates vying for the same roles that you are interested in.  This may be enough of an edge to position your own candidacy to make the short list, something we all want when career change is contemplated.

In my own experience, twice now I have been able to significantly leverage added skills to roles and expand positions with positive results. 

Present your skills and talents to the best of your ability, the results will always be worth the effort.

“ …do better if possible, and that is always possible…”


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