Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Picture This!

One of the major questions I get from job seekers is whether they should post a picture of themselves on their LinkedIn profile, Twitter, etc. 

"Is this really going to help me in my job search?"  
"Someone could discriminate against me based on what I look like."   
"I have a baby face, and a photo could work against me in acheiving a role as a senior professional." 

I understand the reason for their concern, but would advocate the picture on LinkedIn / Twitter for a few big reasons:

1. LinkedIn is a networking site.  You are meant to have met these people if you are connecting to them, and or you are intending to meet with them at some point.  If you only met someone in passing at a live networking event, and that person would likely remember your face as opposed to your name, then the picture will ensure that they connect to you.  Also - for people you are only connecting to online, it's nice to put a face to a name, and it subconsiously allows that person to feel a more personal connection.  If you don't post a photo, you run the risk of people being able to say no quicker.

2. If you are looking for a job, and are qualified for the positions a company has available, it shouldn't matter what you look like.  If a company / individual at a company is going to discriminate against you based soley on your LinkedIn picture, then did you really want to work for them anyway????? (that's not the corporate culture I'd want to work within!)  Your experience will speak for itself.  As long as you have a PROFESSIONAL photo up, you're doing as much as you can.

tips for professional pictures - DIY style:
  • Dress up - business casual or business attire should be worn... no tank tops, T-shirts, etc.  Guys.... golf shirt minimum.  You want your future employer to be able to envision you working for them.
  • No sunglasses - even if you are on the golf course!  Again - this is supposed to be a professional networking photo.
  • Head & Shoulders - not the shampoo (although that's not a bad idea either!)  - Make sure that your photo is only from the chest up - and ensure you're not showing too much cleaveage ladies!!
  • No Logos- I am committing a major faux pas on my profile at the moment, as I have my company logo on there - to help promote the new brand launch... but guess what.... I'm not looking for a job at the moment!  YOU are.... so please do have your own picture up to ensure you are maximizing your personal brand exposure.
  • Minimal Distractions - Try not to have too much going on in the background of your picture... if you are at a party, or wedding, it's not uncommon to see people drinking and carousing in the background... let's not have your future hiring manager thinking you're at a bar etc. (Also - try not to have photographs in the picture behind you)
Happy Snapping! :)


  1. Some great tips here Emily. A picture is much more important than people often realise. LinkedIn say that if you have a picture in your profile then you are 40% more likely to attract viewers! The most important aspect for me though is authenticity - somehow people just seem so much more 'real' if you can see their face. I feel much more willing to interact with someone if I feel they are authentic and I think most people feel the same.

  2. Thanks for the great tip Mark. :)
    I agree completely. I have am more likely to respond to someone who has reached out if they have a picture, and also if they personalize that connect message!
