Monday, July 23, 2012

the email confirmation....

DON'T rely on the email alone

In this age of endless emails and easy information sharing, the potential for info to slip through the cracks and people to forget to send all the emails they have promised to by the end of the day, is getting higher and higher.  (let's not even talk about junk mail)

YES.... this means that I've had a few incidents recently where I have confirmed meetings, or rather, half confirmed interviews with candidates, but have forgotten to send the promised email as a means of a final confirmation.  AND... as I'm sitting around waiting for my candidate to show up a few days later, it hits me; They're not going to show... 'cause I forgot to send the damn email. 

Then I have to go explain this to my client, and eat some serious humble pie.

My lesson?

That I ought not promise to send out this magical email to people, if I am overloaded on the day of.  I always end up talking candidates through the interview info over the phone when I am booking it anyway... but the minute I say "I'll send you all of this info in an email to ensure you have it", they stop writing this stuff down.  Bugger.   

Can't blame someone for not showing up to a meeting they don't have the info for.  I guess......

Your lesson?

Don't stop writing down every word that comes out of your favourite Recruiter's mouth.  They are human too, and you don't want to miss out on an opportunity to meet with a future employer, no matter the reason.  

Also, if you are promised an email, and you don't see one come through, please make the call and follow up with the Recruiter, to ensure they didn't forget to send it, that things have changed, and my personal favourite.... that you're confirming things are still on.  You will win brownie points for being organized and proactive. 

- Your sometimes over-committing and under-delivering Recruiter.

1 comment:

  1. Since writing this post, I have sent every email I promised! (this blog is finally paying off!)
