Saturday, July 14, 2012

The other side of the desk - A Recruiter's tale

I have now been at Sobeys for almost one year - wow that's hard to believe! - and I am thoroughly enjoying things on the other side of the desk.

Often, I get asked what it's like to make the transition from Agency recruitment to Internal recruitment... primarily by curious Agency Recruiters, who are craving a new challenge, or seeking a different pace.   So, I thought I'd write a little bit from my new perspective, for those considering a change.

Biggest Change:

- Being able to go up to the VP's desk and collaborate any time you want.  NOW... I don't suggest that these folks aren't busy, but being in the same building and having access to them is a bonus.  I may have been lucky in the past with some of my clients (external), as I didn't have too many situations where I couldn't pick up the phone and speak to someone, but it's a lot different being internal HR.  There is also a huge sense of trust and collaboration, which wasn't always forthcoming from the agency desk.

The Boss's Perspective:

I'd say it's pretty important, to ensure that you and your boss are on the same page when it comes to recruitment methodology...  I really lucked out when I joined Sobeys... My boss was extremely receptive to the approach I have...  (I guess he wouldn't have hired me if he wasn't?!?)   ha ha ha.

Resources at your fingertips!

- Biggest difference in the "research" side of things, is that I am not doing as much internet research as I am networking and picking employees brains.  This is a refreshing change... much more interactive, and engaging!  I have discovered that some of the most departments stereotypically known to be dull and lifeless are the most fun!  (naming Legal and Audit in this mix!)  You know who you are!

Time Management:

I've found that having been on the sales side of things (External), I am finding that things in HR are much more measured and accounted for... SO...for my inner ADD Sales Goddess, this has been an eye opening experience. I am thoroughly enjoying it though, and wouldn't trade the experience for anything.

Hours of Operation:

NOT less crazy and hectic a pace as External Recruitment.  If anything, I have put MORE hours into this role than any of my other jobs.  The same candidate challenges exist... people just can't come see you at 2 in the afternoon on a work day..... oh... and they give you a laptop... so you can work from home too!!! Goody goody gumdrops.

Satisfied Customers....

You see them all the time, and you get to visit the candidates you have successfully placed into your company.  Sometimes, if you're lucky, the leaders come visit to thank you for the efforts you've made.  This is much more gratifying on the internal recruitment desk.... but only marginally :)

I am sure there are hundreds more anecdotes I could share, and if you want to know anything - don't hesitate to ask!  :)

Happy job hunting!

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