Monday, April 25, 2011

It's spring cleaning time!!!

Everyone is cleaning house, prepping gardens, and getting rid of the cobwebs.  This is also a great time to do some spring cleaning on your job search. 

Here are some tips to get started:
  • go through your resume, and tidy / refresh / update it with all of your winter accomplishments
  • go back through the roles you've applied to over the winter, and keep a list of companies / roles which you've already approached; you've been meaning to do this, and this will come in handy when you get that flood of calls from recruiters calling you about your new fresh resume! 
  • touch base with your recruitment partners, letting them know how much you appreciate their keeping you in mind, and let them know what you've been up to.  You may wish to note that you are simply updating them, so no need for a response,  unless they have something that suits your background. 
  • update your LinkedIn status bar once a week or so; this is a great soft way to show up on your connections' radars, and pass the word on to your colleagues!
  • book at least one networking event per month; there are plenty of events going on - as we're officially in Canadian "patio season" (meaning over 10 degrees with the patio heaters on!)  For events within your space, have a look at LinkedIn... there are plenty of events listed, and you can actually see who's attending!
  • If you are one of the lucky people who has found your new dream job, do send a note to all those people who helped (however minor their role) in your job search; letting them know that they can take you off of their radar, and share the good news with them! :)  This is what makes our jobs a pleasure, and nothing motivates people to find their dream job, like hearing that someone else has one!
Happy Cleaning!!! 

(if you have any other tips, please do share your best!)

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